Gentlemen, as always, we're delighted to present another staff stiffening set of Desirae -- this time displaying herself as a delicious dessert, complete with a dildo in her pussy, asshole spread for our viewing pleasure, and fabulous fleshpillows ready to embrace your boiling boner. "I dress sexy and casual. I try to combine the two," Desirae said. "So I do wear clothes that show a lot of cleavage, but I still like to look like somebody who has class. I would not present myself as somebody you would think models nude. You would think I was a normal everyday nice girl. Before I actually started modeling, you could say it was a fantasy of mine. But now that I do it, it's more like a hobby. I think it's fun, but if I had to give it up I would. It's not my life. This is what I do for fun."
See More of Desirae at DESIRAESWORLD.COM!
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